Attached are the court documents on the Jackie Scott case.

Respondents Memorandum of Fact and Law T 418-12

T-418-12 Jackie Scott Application Record filed March 26, 2013

In the respondent’s section, sentences (20) and (24) spell it out clearly:

20) “Canadian citizenship is a product of statute and has no meaning apart from statute.” In other words, there is no constitutional right of citizenship in Canada. The government believes it to be nothing more than a legislated privilege.

24) “Ms. Scott is not a citizen under section (3)1(g) of the current Citizenship Act because neither of her parents were citizens at the time of her birth. While her father had been a British Subject and had been born in Canada, he was not a citizen in 1945 when Ms. Scott was born because the former Canadian Citizenship Act had not come into force yet.”

With that statement, it’s clear that the government’s position is that our 114,000 WWI and WWII war dead were never Canadian citizens. since they died before 1947. For the Chinese, it makes them ‘stateless registered aliens’.

Cutting to the chase, whomever is buried in the Tomb of the Unknown soldier, they weren’t Canadian. And if it’s a Canadian-born Chinese soldier, then on Remembrance Day we’re paying homage to a ‘stateless registered alien’.

It’s all so absurd. Of course these people were Canadian citizens.

I guess “Honour of the Crown” doesn’t mean anything.

True North — True History.

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